Tim Bedford

Washington, DC · (301) 741-5514 · tmbdfd@gmail.com

I am a fullstack software developer with strong interests in creative coding, audio, and melding user friendly design with throughtful engineering.


TremoloNimbus ( GitHub )

A SoundCloud clone
  • Ruby on Rails
  • React/Redux
  • PostgresDB
  • SCSS

MenuTube ( GitHub )

A social media app for sharing how-to food videos
  • Node/Express
  • React/Redux
  • MongoDB
  • CSS

DJ ( GitHub )

A frontend app for DJing dance music
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • WebAudio


Programming Languages
Tools and Frameworks


Software Engineer


Doing fullstack work for a big-and-bulky delivery platform, including the driver app, an internal monitoring UI, and various backend services and databases.

Tools: C# (.NET Core) and JavaScript/TypeScript (React Native, Angular, AWS Lambda).

SWE II: August 2022 - present
SWE I: April 2021 - August 2022

Web Developer


Commissioned by musical artist Alessandro Takeshi to create an “interactive lyric video” as a website for one of the songs on his most recent studio album. Built using Javascript and the p5.js library, the site plays the song and displays the lyrics in different ways for each verse, some of which are randomized and some of which are affected by user input.

April 2019

Dedicated Aide/Classroom Assistant

Hyattsville Elementary School

Worked within a kindergarten classroom assisting students with disabilities to participate in the full range of classroom activities. Requires flexible, creative communication skills.

February 2019 - June 2019


App Academy

Fullstack Web Development

Immersive software development course with focus on full stack web development.

August 2020 - December 2020

Marlboro College

Bachelor of Arts: Computer Music / Improvised Music

Took classes in introductory computer science, formal logic, algorithms, and artificial intelligence. Developed interactive computer music software, written in Python, Max/MSP, and Csound, with the OpenSoundControl networking protocol, as part of final year long thesis.

August 2014 - May 2017


My explorations in software began as an offshoot of my work in electronic music and music continues to be an important part of my life, both as a creator and a fan.

Other interests of mine include the strategy game Go, sports (basketball, baseball, disc golf, cricket, etc.), the Japanese language (I passed the JLPT N3 in 2023), and film from throughout the medium's history.